I at first thought taking wheat out of my diet would be hard but it isn't. Not sure if it is because I keep telling myself that wheat can hurt my thyroid or if I just don't eat it as much now but it hasn't been that much of a challenge. I had one little cheat yesterday with about four bites of Outback bread. It was probably more of a nostalgic thing since I worked there before. Overall though not hard!
I also have been back at the gym like I used to do. I went Tuesday and today. I used to go just about everyday so I will have to get back at it for sure. It feels so great to be motivated again and feel like I even have the energy to workout. In general life has been better now that I just feel better! Thank you doctor for checking my thyroid again!
In the area of budgeting I have been struggling. I started working with Isotonix but the truth is I just do not have it in me to be a sales person. It also has been costing me more money and that is something I can't keep up. I am probably going to stop doing the business side of it all but continue to buy the products. I love the products I just can't afford having to pay monthly for them. Also been working on how to save money when work is constant driving and going out to eat. A co worker and I have been sharing lunches when she is in the office and then I have been making myself pack lunches. It has helped but I need to get better at it for sure!
Anyway that is enough for now!
Here's to health in all forms
Journey blog, moving to better health decisions, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Taking the raw cotton from the plant and transforming it to high quality lifestyle one step at a time.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Food for thought, and health...
I haven't posted in forever for a few reasons. One, nobody really reads my blog but me and I think my best friend, two life has been so crazy I have not had time to think about a blog, and three I haven't been healthy. I thought my job was why I was so tired, depressed, and dealing with anxiety. In fact my thyroid has been low. I have been diagnosed hypothyroid since I was 11; that does not always mean I pick up on the warning signs. Thankfully I have amazing trained doctors who do!!! Now that my thyroid is slowly getting back to normal I have already noticed changes. I have energy again, I wake up better, I am motivated in life. I just overall am better. Of course after learning all this I started looking more into things that affect thyroid gland. Many MANY say that wheat products do (Also soy but I don't really eat any soy products). I think that to help me and my metabolism I am going to get back on the TLS weight loss. It does not have wheat until about week seven and that is optional. I do still have my Clean Eating Magazines with many gluten free options.
Starting tomorrow, completely wheat free! I will update on here how I feel, how I look, and just overall process.
Also, side note. Next weekend I have a 5K for a dear friend suffering with cancer. I may not run it all but I am excited to be supporting her!
Starting tomorrow, completely wheat free! I will update on here how I feel, how I look, and just overall process.
Also, side note. Next weekend I have a 5K for a dear friend suffering with cancer. I may not run it all but I am excited to be supporting her!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
April Challenge
To help myself I am doing a 31 day less spending more saving challenge. The sad truth is I probably need about three months of this challenge. I also have really been searching and processing blogs. I found some blogs, aj wears clothes and Into Mind today. Well actually A.J. I had found before but didn't really give it a go. I had been following some other blogs but they just haven't been feeling right for me. I think a lot of it is their style and mine don't match, their life styles and mine don't match, and I really need to work on figuring out what my style is. I slightly worked on this last year but the truth is I still struggle. I want to buy often instead of really working my wardrobe. I love love putting me together. She is amazing at working her wardrobe.
One challenge for me has been my weight. It has fluctuated so much this year I haven't been able to really work my closet.
One challenge for me has been my weight. It has fluctuated so much this year I haven't been able to really work my closet.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Budget struggles
Since one of my main goals is working and sticking to my budget I have unfortunately realized that I am very good at creating the plan but I suck at the actual implementing it for the whole month. I realize for me there are a few reasons I keep dropping the ball on my monthly budget.
1. I can't for the life of me remember to look at my budget throughout the month and document spending.
2. I go out to eat more than I used to because to be frank, I don't like to be at my job.
3. I forget to take out my savings for certain areas each paycheck and then end up spending that money instead.
So there is the truth. Maybe since I officially admitted it I can feel even more obligated to stick to the budget.
1. I can't for the life of me remember to look at my budget throughout the month and document spending.
2. I go out to eat more than I used to because to be frank, I don't like to be at my job.
3. I forget to take out my savings for certain areas each paycheck and then end up spending that money instead.
So there is the truth. Maybe since I officially admitted it I can feel even more obligated to stick to the budget.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Short term goals
Since I posted last week about my goals for this week I have been pretty good at following them! I had one meal on Tuesday that had white bread and fries but other then that I have eaten really well. The one bad meal was a result of having to work until 10 pm when I should have gotten off at 5 pm. Needless to say I was tired and over an hour away from home. The small town did not have any really healthy places to eat, and well that was all my excuses for the fact that I just wanted some fries.
I did wake up for class on Monday but then found out that the gym does not have class on Monday. I did stay at the gym and workout anyway. I went to yoga last night, killer legs, then this morning I slept in ha. So, I did do two classes this week and I worked out four days!
I did wake up for class on Monday but then found out that the gym does not have class on Monday. I did stay at the gym and workout anyway. I went to yoga last night, killer legs, then this morning I slept in ha. So, I did do two classes this week and I worked out four days!
Saturday, March 14, 2015
What a job!
I have really been struggling lately with making myself work out and stay focused on my health. I know that life gets in the way for many of us and an excuse is just the same as any other excuse. However, for me job situation and my health are major. I have realized, the super super hard way, that how I feel about my job effects everything. Some people work, get off, and go live. As a social worker with a job that requires 24/7 on call as well as constantly changing visits and meetings getting off work is in a sense confusing. I may receive a phone call at 2 am and then end up working until 9 at night. SO where do I fit in a workout and meal prep??? Well, good question and I currently do not have the answer. I do know that I have a lovely 5k next Saturday and I have not been training or eating as well as I should. My lack of self discipline in anything outside of work is embarrassing to me. I am tired of constantly getting on here and saying "well I didn't do what I said I would do." I get it is all a learning process.
That said I am proposing a challenge to myself and to whoever is reading this-
The next six days I will make my lazy butt get up and work out each morning.
I will attend at least two workout classes at the gym, morning or evening.
I will not eat white processed breads or any other sweets.
I will food prep, no excuses aka any work related event, family or friend time.
That said I am proposing a challenge to myself and to whoever is reading this-
The next six days I will make my lazy butt get up and work out each morning.
I will attend at least two workout classes at the gym, morning or evening.
I will not eat white processed breads or any other sweets.
I will food prep, no excuses aka any work related event, family or friend time.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Going out
Last night a friend had a birthday party and we went to a local bar/club. For starters, I am not really a club person, but also I was trying to be good and avoid alcohol. At first I was concerned I wouldn't make it and would end up drinking way way too much. Another friend who came was not going to drink so it ended up being perfect. I felt like I had support while drinking water! I also had just as much fun staying sober and dancing singing with friends then drinking. Oh, and I woke up feeling okay and not hungover and nausea.
Even though going out can be a problem in sticking to eating right I realized in the long run it really does not matter on the fun scale if I am drinking or not. That is the important part after all.
Even though going out can be a problem in sticking to eating right I realized in the long run it really does not matter on the fun scale if I am drinking or not. That is the important part after all.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
when you cheat
I am just curious, when you cheat on your eating right and workout plan, what makes you cheat? Is it going out to eat with friends, bad day at work, stress in the home, too busy to schedule your workout, or all of the above? For me lately it is work. I was all ready to do right yesterday, packed my lunch and everything, and then I ate frozen yogurt, pizza, and wine yesterday after work. It is not okay to do that! Also, I felt physically sick the rest of the night and this morning. So I ate right for breakfast, eggs, turkey bacon, and spinach.
(Side note, I returned some clothes to Maurice's this week because the more I thought about it the more I realized I did not need those clothes.)
(Side note, I returned some clothes to Maurice's this week because the more I thought about it the more I realized I did not need those clothes.)
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Saving money
I am slowly learning the importance of saving money. I have always been an impulsive buyer. It drove my mom nuts. I don't know if it is the thrill of spending or just loving having something new but man spending and shopping became a craze for me. Obviously, at almost thirty, I still struggle with budgeting. Today I searched different tools for budgeting online. I still have found that Dave Ramsey's is the best. It seriously covers every area of living. I know I have been working on budgeting and using envelops. For me another step I had to figure out is how to divide it all. When I do my monthly budget I realized that I was still having money issues. Why? Because I did not think about the fact that I don't get my monthly amount at one time, I get paid twice a month. Therefore, now I have to divide each category or decide which ones get the money out of which paycheck. Next month I may just do the budget for one paycheck not both. It isn't the way most people do a budget but it may be easier for me.
I have to make my mind turn to future planning and saving not the here and now. When I am stressed I can't see past right now. I have three weddings next year, one may even be mine, and I have about 40 bucks saved. It is sad. One issue I have with saving for things for the next year is I keep thinking, "What's the point? It isn't going to be that much money saved in a year at this budget." Then I go blow like 100 on clothes I don't need and rarely wear like a smart person. (Sarcasm btw.)
So, I have some brain thinking to turn around! All three areas that I have been trying to work on with this blog are future oriented, fitness, budgeting, and eating healthy. They all also revolve around proper planning. Planning the budget, planning workout time, and meal prep. Still working on it all.
I have to make my mind turn to future planning and saving not the here and now. When I am stressed I can't see past right now. I have three weddings next year, one may even be mine, and I have about 40 bucks saved. It is sad. One issue I have with saving for things for the next year is I keep thinking, "What's the point? It isn't going to be that much money saved in a year at this budget." Then I go blow like 100 on clothes I don't need and rarely wear like a smart person. (Sarcasm btw.)
So, I have some brain thinking to turn around! All three areas that I have been trying to work on with this blog are future oriented, fitness, budgeting, and eating healthy. They all also revolve around proper planning. Planning the budget, planning workout time, and meal prep. Still working on it all.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
that ah ha! moment
I follow different fitness people on instagram and bloglovin. Many of them have workout plans for 12 weeks that you can buy. I decided this morning that I do really need to start doing morning workouts at home, about 20-30 minutes. I know going to the gym in the mornings is difficult for me, mainly because I am lazy and don't want to de ice my car. However, I then went to my tls website and realized that I in fact have already paid for a 12 week workout plan! It pays to be attentive guys. I realized I can download it all too. Geez I literally was about to spend 50 or more dollars on plans and I had mine just sitting there for less then 25 dollars. Here's your sign.
I guess it is evident this is my year of learning, and relearning. One of the videos for the week to watch was about grain sensitivity and do you have it. I have it. Last night I cheated, no surprise there, and had a few french fries. I felt bloated, had ingestion, felt so full I hurt, and I got really sleepy at 8 pm.
I keep reminding myself lately that it isn't motivation I need, it's discipline. Life will always be there, some stress of some sort will always happen. The difference is with discipline I won't let whatever the stress is change my devotion to myself. That is my biggest struggle. I have the knowledge, I even have the past experience of knowing what works for me weight loss wise, but I am not disciplined enough to do it consistently. This may be a new goal for me, finding the discipline and keeping it no matter the obstacles.
I guess it is evident this is my year of learning, and relearning. One of the videos for the week to watch was about grain sensitivity and do you have it. I have it. Last night I cheated, no surprise there, and had a few french fries. I felt bloated, had ingestion, felt so full I hurt, and I got really sleepy at 8 pm.
I keep reminding myself lately that it isn't motivation I need, it's discipline. Life will always be there, some stress of some sort will always happen. The difference is with discipline I won't let whatever the stress is change my devotion to myself. That is my biggest struggle. I have the knowledge, I even have the past experience of knowing what works for me weight loss wise, but I am not disciplined enough to do it consistently. This may be a new goal for me, finding the discipline and keeping it no matter the obstacles.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Comfort zones
I'm pretty certain I mentioned before that I am a social worker. In the social work field there are a lot of areas to go into. I didn't realize that when I first started on this journey called getting a degree. I was very fortunate to have my first "big girl" job be one that I loved! I mean loved. I worked there for almost five years. Unfortunately, the job was state funded by a grant and had a major cut. We were going to lose a whole position. For many reasons and with lots of praying I decided to volunteer to be the person laid off. It was a very difficult decision and slightly scary but I did feel content with the decision. I had another job within a month. It was similar to my first job but not as much as I originally thought. It made me grow in ways I did not see coming, I had to be assertive to adults who looked at me and thought I was a child. True story, three different high schools asked me what class I was in or why I wasn't on my way to class! I had to be assertive with children in ways that I never thought I would or could do. By nature I am not a leader or a very assertive person. It was a lot of stress and a lot of extra work in general. I loved the population group I worked with but other then that everything else was wrong for me.
The biggest positive from the second job is it allowed me to really see that I want a job like my first one, not because it is my comfort zone, but because it is what I love. Sometimes being called out of your comfort zone doesn't mean forever sometimes I think it is a way to really show you that your comfort zone is only a comfort because it is where you are supposed to be.
In the same way food can be a comfort zone. I have been straying lately in my healthy eating but each time I eat something I shouldn't I don't beat myself up but I do crave healthy foods. It is evident that as I continue this journey my body is showing and telling me what it really needs. I just need to listen more and be more cautious. These healthy foods are now my comfort zone instead of sweet tea, donuts, and chips.
The biggest positive from the second job is it allowed me to really see that I want a job like my first one, not because it is my comfort zone, but because it is what I love. Sometimes being called out of your comfort zone doesn't mean forever sometimes I think it is a way to really show you that your comfort zone is only a comfort because it is where you are supposed to be.
In the same way food can be a comfort zone. I have been straying lately in my healthy eating but each time I eat something I shouldn't I don't beat myself up but I do crave healthy foods. It is evident that as I continue this journey my body is showing and telling me what it really needs. I just need to listen more and be more cautious. These healthy foods are now my comfort zone instead of sweet tea, donuts, and chips.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
It has been a while! My life has been crazy busy. Here is an update on my goals-
1. I did do some clothing shopping. I am most definitely a shop a holic and stopping cold turkey has been HARD. I bought a long cream sweater, something I have been on the hunt for, a fur vest, and a camel blazer with lace elbow patches. I figured for trying to stop cold turkey only having 3 new items isn't that bad.
2. Following the TLS slim program. I have been ahem following this plan for the month of January. Again not going to lie I have had some failures. I have also grown and realized a lot about myself. For starters, I love to cook but I have a hard time setting aside cook and food prep time. I also have not been drinking water like I am supposed to be. On Sunday I started to really focus on water and I was like a camel. I could not stop drinking water Sunday or yesterday. Obviously my body was telling me something.
3. Working out in the morning. It happened. For about a week. I guess some people can change and become a morning person but I cannot. So I am trying to just workout in the evenings but if I wake up and feel like it I do some yoga or stretching.
All in all I know I have areas to work on but I think the best thing about goals is that they can change. I just want to be a better me however that happens.
1. I did do some clothing shopping. I am most definitely a shop a holic and stopping cold turkey has been HARD. I bought a long cream sweater, something I have been on the hunt for, a fur vest, and a camel blazer with lace elbow patches. I figured for trying to stop cold turkey only having 3 new items isn't that bad.
2. Following the TLS slim program. I have been ahem following this plan for the month of January. Again not going to lie I have had some failures. I have also grown and realized a lot about myself. For starters, I love to cook but I have a hard time setting aside cook and food prep time. I also have not been drinking water like I am supposed to be. On Sunday I started to really focus on water and I was like a camel. I could not stop drinking water Sunday or yesterday. Obviously my body was telling me something.
3. Working out in the morning. It happened. For about a week. I guess some people can change and become a morning person but I cannot. So I am trying to just workout in the evenings but if I wake up and feel like it I do some yoga or stretching.
All in all I know I have areas to work on but I think the best thing about goals is that they can change. I just want to be a better me however that happens.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
I am not not NOT a morning person. So anything I can do to lesson stress in the morning and be on time for work, ahem, I will do. I found an egg cooker, Dash, to make my eggs in the morning. Best invention ever. I just peel and go with fruit or yogurt. I also sometimes get my coffee ready the night before so I just turn a button and walk on, or in my case, shuffle on.
I also try to have my outfit for the day out and ready to go. That doesn't always happen but when I do have it out it makes a huge difference. Staying organized is vital to being on time and I suck at it! I think that must be why I am drawn to slightly OCD people, I know in the long run it will help me. My poor boyfriend hates coming to my house, I think he sees a bleak future full of clothes on the floor ha!
Any other tips for in the morning?
I also try to have my outfit for the day out and ready to go. That doesn't always happen but when I do have it out it makes a huge difference. Staying organized is vital to being on time and I suck at it! I think that must be why I am drawn to slightly OCD people, I know in the long run it will help me. My poor boyfriend hates coming to my house, I think he sees a bleak future full of clothes on the floor ha!
Any other tips for in the morning?
Sunday, January 25, 2015
New App!
Ok so I follow Putting Me Together and , besides just loving her style and how she really reworks her closet like how I wish I did, she also did a post about an app that allows you to see your closet. She uses one for an Iphone but I have a droid so I downloaded My Dressing. I downloaded it last night so I have only put a few items on it. I took a cue from Audrey and placed my clothes on a white blanket so the background will be the same. After taking the picture you use your finger and crop the picture. Then just store it under its category, shoes, pants, etc. I'll have to do an update about the app once I start really using it but so far I am really excited! I have clothes in two closets so this will help me rework my clothes and, hopefully, save money in the long run!
Friday, January 23, 2015
Being Sick
I rarely get sick, seriously in the past three years I have been sick twice. Once, food poisoning, and once with a sinus infection. That said when I do get sick I have the hardest time admitting it and staying home. On Wednesday I was sick. I went in to work anyway and work was so stressful that it truly made me worse. My co workers all told me to go home. I took a nap and still went to sleep at about 9 pm. The next day my boss asked if I was okay and I said I was better. He said that you have to take care of yourself, that matters more then this job. It really hit me because I often put so much of me into the job I add stress to my life and that probably contributed to my sickness. I took sick leave and I took today off from work. It was great I spent time with a friend, shopped, and kept my phone on silent so I had no worries, at least for a small period of time.
We all need mental health days we just don't always take them. I think that as adults we forget we also need time outs, step away from the issue(s) and relax, unwind, or whatever you need to do to get past it, legally of course. It may not completely go away but it may get better or make you feel better about it so you can handle situations in life better and with confidence.
We all need mental health days we just don't always take them. I think that as adults we forget we also need time outs, step away from the issue(s) and relax, unwind, or whatever you need to do to get past it, legally of course. It may not completely go away but it may get better or make you feel better about it so you can handle situations in life better and with confidence.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
I feel the need to be honest. Not shopping when you are a shopaholic is very very hard. I really feel like it is an addiction for me. I did buy a long ivory tunic and a fur vest, both items I have wanted for months and could not find anywhere. Then of course I did find them and thought "I swore off shopping but..." then insert some excuse here. I am working on it and I hope that I will realize I can in fact get a hold of my spending and shopping.
Another issue for me is my weight. Not being the size I was but still having the same wardrobe is frustrating. I am, of course, working on this but trying to shop your closet when nothing fits just makes your day that much worse.
Another issue for me is my weight. Not being the size I was but still having the same wardrobe is frustrating. I am, of course, working on this but trying to shop your closet when nothing fits just makes your day that much worse.
Monday, January 19, 2015
The other day I was at the grocery store and something was telling me to eat cereal. I went and looked at the "healthy" cereals and those have tons of sugar and carbs. Therefore, I left sad and still really wanting cereal! I went home logged on my bloglovin and wouldn't you know it another blogger read my mind!!!
hellonatural.com posted about detox breakfast cereals. She gave two options, one with grains one without. I did without and put pumpkin seeds, walnuts, strawberries, and blueberries. Oh and some cinnamon because I just like it! It was very good!!!! Plus it took care of my craving of cereal.
hellonatural.com posted about detox breakfast cereals. She gave two options, one with grains one without. I did without and put pumpkin seeds, walnuts, strawberries, and blueberries. Oh and some cinnamon because I just like it! It was very good!!!! Plus it took care of my craving of cereal.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Label Reading
Yesterday I decided to google no sugar and found this blog. I read around and found that you are supposed to take the amount of carbs in a product minus the fiber and that is your true amount of carbs! HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS??? That said I went to my kitchen and started investigating...
Item number one-

Total carbs 23 grams, fiber less then one

Total carbs 18 grams, fiber 1

Total carbs 27, fiber 4
So even though this all is "good" food it is also very high in carbs. That said starting tomorrow I will be taking these out of my diet and really focusing on true healthy foods. Less carbs and sugars more vegetables and meats.
Item number one-

Total carbs 23 grams, fiber less then one
Total carbs 18 grams, fiber 1
Total carbs 27, fiber 4
So even though this all is "good" food it is also very high in carbs. That said starting tomorrow I will be taking these out of my diet and really focusing on true healthy foods. Less carbs and sugars more vegetables and meats.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Staying strong
This week I worked out only twice. I felt bad about it but I was working so much I truly needed the sleep. Last night I worked about four hours later then I was supposed to due to a semi crisis. This morning I just wanted sleep. I know that I technically need to work out and move but sometimes you just need sleep and true rest. I also am going to get my nails done later today as a "yea! you survived the week" treat. You do what you need to do ha!
Since I have Monday off from work I am going to plan out some better clean eating meals to help me not go out to eat as much. I have been more then I realized and more then I budgeted for the month. I also am going to find a way to workout each morning no matter the lack of sleep!
How's everybody else doing?
Since I have Monday off from work I am going to plan out some better clean eating meals to help me not go out to eat as much. I have been more then I realized and more then I budgeted for the month. I also am going to find a way to workout each morning no matter the lack of sleep!
How's everybody else doing?
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
I have had anxiety issues for the past year due to work and schoolwork. When I graduated it got better since I was no longer working full time and doing 16 hours field placement. However, since starting this job the anxiety has come back and has come back swinging! It has been so bad I was contemplating going to the doctor for medicine. Last week was when I started my TLS Slim Rapid weight lose plan. At the beginning of the week I still had anxiety, I almost passed out in a meeting, but as the week went my anxious feelings became less and less. Yesterday I had NO anxious feelings and today I had a few but just barely (and today was one of my most stressful days at work.) All this to say that when people say sugar i.e. processed sugar and foods add to anxiety and depression, they know what they are talking about. I often am the type of person who has to experience things in order for it to really sink in. This goes especially with if I don't want to give something up like cupcakes. Losing the anxious feelings has not only made me feel better but has upped my self confidence. For the first time in months I feel that I can do this job and that I am knowledgeable. I still am stressed but it feels manageable.
So if you too are trying to eat better or have anxiety issues I am here to tell you to try no sugar and you will feel and see the difference!
with happiness and health,
So if you too are trying to eat better or have anxiety issues I am here to tell you to try no sugar and you will feel and see the difference!
with happiness and health,
Saturday, January 10, 2015
How's it going?
Day one, I didn't eat my snacks like I should, mainly because of work, however, I did manage to eat right all day and work out in the morning.
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My food prep corner! |
Day Two I went to early morning yoga, 6 am, and it was awesome! I loved it. I never thought I would be a person to wake up before six and want to but I did. I have noticed that working out in the morning, while somewhat challenging, makes my day so so much better. I also went to body toning and abs after work and well I was really sore.
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The moon greeting me as I came back home from yoga |
Day three I had one slight slight "cheat" - I had some red wine last night. Which I counted as my fruit serving. I also did not work out because the night before I did the body toning class and could not feel my legs.
Day four I did my morning workout and then yoga that evening. I cooked for my boyfriend and I after that and he really enjoyed the red cabbage with bell peppers, onions, and garlic. See simple is awesome!
Friday I went out with some friends but I ate really well before we went! I have missed karaoke and it was so much fun to just sing, from my chair, and hang with friends! Now of course I am paying for that late night but whatever that is what Saturdays are for. I hope if you are also trying to eat clean this post was encouraging! I have already noticed such a difference in how I feel.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Total truth
Granted I don't have any pictures up here of me but this is still a slightly hard post. I also realize that to stay true to the plan and to my life goals I have to post this. So, even if nobody really reads this blog I am going to post. Here are my pics of me now, my before, and I hope that I will see a difference by the end of the month!
Friday, January 2, 2015
What's stopping you?
You ever talk to a friend and they are telling you some issue they are having and as they speak you hear them say the answer to get out of the issue? Don't you just want to yell "Hey, you know what to do you just told me!!! What's stopping you?" That is exactly how I feel with myself lately. I know not to eat such and such and why I shouldn't eat it but then I do anyway. Or, I know my body is really craving water but I get a half sweet half unsweet tea instead. So all this really got my thinking today, what is stopping me? What is stopping me from eating healthy and losing weight every day? I am planning on starting Monday with TLS slim with some co workers but I know me well enough to know I am a cheater. Here is what I think stops me-
1. Lack of planning. Once I start a better eating plan I often do really good at first then forget to get groceries or something and end up cheating out of "necessity"
2. Time management. I guess this goes along with planning but it's more focused on time management for working out. I used to workout in the evenings and that was fine but lately when I get off work I am drained from stress/anxiety and all I can think of is going home. Again, starting Monday a gym friend and I will be going to the gym early to get it in.
3. Not being able to really see the end results. I look at before and after pictures of others, and of myself in the past and I love seeing the differences but lately for me it is so hard to picture. I also think that I say to myself, you have lost and gained before, what will be different this time?
These are my areas, hope I will make myself stronger in the following weeks!
1. Lack of planning. Once I start a better eating plan I often do really good at first then forget to get groceries or something and end up cheating out of "necessity"
2. Time management. I guess this goes along with planning but it's more focused on time management for working out. I used to workout in the evenings and that was fine but lately when I get off work I am drained from stress/anxiety and all I can think of is going home. Again, starting Monday a gym friend and I will be going to the gym early to get it in.
3. Not being able to really see the end results. I look at before and after pictures of others, and of myself in the past and I love seeing the differences but lately for me it is so hard to picture. I also think that I say to myself, you have lost and gained before, what will be different this time?
These are my areas, hope I will make myself stronger in the following weeks!
Thursday, January 1, 2015
I am not in any way saying which vitamins for you to get on or any type of vitamin to buy this is simply my journey with vitamins. I have started taking Isotonix vitamins the past couple of weeks. It's so easy to just drink them with water and be done with it. I know taking pill form vitamins are easy but for me they end up leaving a gross taste in my mouth. I just went and looked at my pill vitamins, I found one that expired in 2012 and another in 2013. I realized that maybe I had a hard time taking them, besides previous stated reasons, because I couldn't feel the difference taking them. I probably did not stick with it long enough for it to build up in my system but with Isotonix I have already felt the difference! I then checked with my aunt who is a pharmacist about it and she stated that when it is a powder form of vitamins it is absorbed faster so instead of waiting two weeks to feel the difference you wait just about 2-3 days. For me that's enough of a reason to switch.
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