Monday, April 28, 2014

day one and chocolate

Ok I realize that chocolate is not allowed on South Beach but I needed it today so there. Minus that and a few strawberries I did just fine eating correctly. I also attempted stylemeapril today, Brooklyn style. What is Brooklyn style you ask? I have no idea so I wore converse! She is supposed to do another May style and I am excited! It gives me something to follow to keep my wardrobe interesting to me.
I have a pile of clothes for Plato's closet that I may take this Saturday. Part of me wonders if I should just wait until I lose some weight and then go...

I want want want some clothes from Loft! how amazing!

Love this especially the bottom!

I want this sweatshirt!

This dress is perfect! Great for dressing up or down!

Simple but very versatile scarf.

Now I am wondering why I am looking at Loft when I can't buy anything. So sad.


Saturday, April 26, 2014


Budgeting sucks. Here's why, I have realized how much money I have wasted and how little amount I actually have. To say this social worker is broke would be an understatement. I feel the need to start my own garden so I can save money. However, to start a garden I have to also go buy the seeds. NO winning.

On Monday I am starting South Beach Diet. I haven't decided if I am going to start on phase one or two. I am however about to go clean my kitchen cabinet of fig newtons, pita chips, pretzels, and other yummy but bad for me foods. This is all worth it, right? Right. I'll answer myself seeing as how nobody else reads this. That's okay. If  I reach my goals it will all be worth it anyway. I am tired of seeing things in my house and going, oh yeah I forgot about you! For instance, I have four things of body wash. No idea I had that many. I feel like a hoarder except I am really just forgetful.

May is around the corner and I am for real setting up a budget that I will follow, blog about, and not tell lies to myself about buying things.

To a new me!


Friday, April 25, 2014

Step back.. literally

Last week I was all in working out, watching what I eat, everything was good. Then I decided to go to a work out class and line dancing. Let's just say the floor of the place I went line dancing too is BAD BAD BAD. I woke up with a messed up knee. Here I am a week later, still swollen knee. I did work out some this week but all in all I have not been okay.
Today it is better, I went some without my knee brace. My fitness class instructor said to wrap it and also the best thing is to strengthen it. So here I am googling, yep, knee strengthening exercises.
Also, looking into going back to South Beach Diet Phase two. It will be hard but I need to push myself more. I found this too for my shape-

How Apples Can Turbocharge Their Metabolism
According to Dr. Morrison, apples should eat foods low on the glycemic index. One way to do this is by cutting out carbs. Carbs spike blood sugar – so reducing or eliminating them from your diet would prevent this and keep cortisol controlled. The less cortisol, the less belly fat.
Apples can replace simple carbs with the following foods:
  • Lentils, which are packed with protein and require more energy for the body to break down.
  • Red pepper hummus, also rich in protein; the spices can also boost metabolism
  • Eggplant makes a great carb substitute. When used in certain recipes, for example an eggplant lasagna, it gives you the same density and texture as pasta. 

I may take two years to reach my fitness goal. I guess that means a lot of money saved from not buying clothes!


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Second Step

I gave my boyfriend my store credit cards. IT HURT. I gave him Target last. I wanted to cry. I love my 5% saved from there each time I went. It is worth it. I think. I have been very conscious about what I was eating all day today. Saving money, eating better, and getting back on budget. This is a challenging year but I know it will be worth it.
On a "fashion" note, I am doing Style Me April Closet to Instagram with Dean Street Society. Two of my friends are doing it with me. Sometimes we tweak it to make it work for us, like today I did statement rings not statement earrings. It has been fun to do and to rework items that I own.

Rings I wore today, sadly they are supposed to be midi but I have tiny fingers so I stacked them


Sunday, April 20, 2014

First Step

My cousin just informed me that the first step in an addiction is realizing you have a problem. Why did she tell me this? Here's why, I just realized I have three plain black tee shirts. WHY?? I do not need that many tee shirts! I told her I officially officially realize I have a too many clothes. Yes I have been cleaning out and taking a lot of clothes to goodwill/Plato's closet but I need more.

All this begs the question, why do I have so much?
-I love to shop
-I have changed in weight
-I use it as my reward in life, or my outlet when really upset
-I am a sucker for sales pitches -- On sale! You have a coupon! etc.
-I have been the friend with lots of clothes, shoes, accessories for a while, it has become part of my identity.
-I have used it to help me through graduate school (again for poor coping skills)

I know in true AA type meetings they have stop completely doing the addiction. Now I am hoping I can handle my poor buying choices, waste of money issues without having to do that but I will keep it in mind.

I do think I need true goals. We do goals at work but I have barely set any with myself.

1. I will not buy any item of clothing until I weigh 110. 
 a) I will eat healthy 1200-1300 calories a day
 b) I will work out daily 25-60 minutes a day
 c) I will try and weigh this by the end of the summer

2. If I do get any item before reaching goal 1 it will be bought by gift money, gift card, or store credit. 
 a) Use h&m gift card, graduation money, or Plato's closet/consignment store credit

3. I will get out of debt. (maybe this should be #1) 
 a) I will do monthly budgets and seriously look at what I am buying.
 b) I will see what I am wasting money on and where I can save.

 Okay That is enough for now.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

New Ways

Lately I have been thinking about things. One, I don't like taking pictures of my face for all the world to see. Two, I don't want a blog for the world to know my deep secrets or personal things, I rarely even do that on any type of social media. Three, I have slowly realized that I have too many clothes and half of them are for events that I rarely do. For instance I have 5 beach dresses and live in Tennessee.
All this to say I am making this blog for me to remake my current clothes and to for real try to budget. I would prefer if I did not shop but I know me so instead I am contemplating some other rules for myself.

1. I will never buy anything that is not on sale.
2. I will find a for real budget and stick to it posting on here what I have bought each month so I cannot lie about it.
3. If I want to purchase something I have to follow certain rules on that as well-
   "Does the color or print work with at least 3 pieces that are already in my closet?"
   "Define different scenarios- casual, dressy, work-  that you can wear the item in to test the versatility of the item"
   "Structure of the item- can I tuck it, knot it, belt it, wear alone"
    "Can skirt/dress be worn with different types of shoes, dressy, work, or casual wear?"
    "How can I layer this to make it different season appropriate?" 
4. I will use accessories to create "new" outfits

*most of theses are from or adopted from Putting Me Together

So here's to me! Maybe for real this time I will stick to the rules and save money!