Sunday, April 20, 2014

First Step

My cousin just informed me that the first step in an addiction is realizing you have a problem. Why did she tell me this? Here's why, I just realized I have three plain black tee shirts. WHY?? I do not need that many tee shirts! I told her I officially officially realize I have a too many clothes. Yes I have been cleaning out and taking a lot of clothes to goodwill/Plato's closet but I need more.

All this begs the question, why do I have so much?
-I love to shop
-I have changed in weight
-I use it as my reward in life, or my outlet when really upset
-I am a sucker for sales pitches -- On sale! You have a coupon! etc.
-I have been the friend with lots of clothes, shoes, accessories for a while, it has become part of my identity.
-I have used it to help me through graduate school (again for poor coping skills)

I know in true AA type meetings they have stop completely doing the addiction. Now I am hoping I can handle my poor buying choices, waste of money issues without having to do that but I will keep it in mind.

I do think I need true goals. We do goals at work but I have barely set any with myself.

1. I will not buy any item of clothing until I weigh 110. 
 a) I will eat healthy 1200-1300 calories a day
 b) I will work out daily 25-60 minutes a day
 c) I will try and weigh this by the end of the summer

2. If I do get any item before reaching goal 1 it will be bought by gift money, gift card, or store credit. 
 a) Use h&m gift card, graduation money, or Plato's closet/consignment store credit

3. I will get out of debt. (maybe this should be #1) 
 a) I will do monthly budgets and seriously look at what I am buying.
 b) I will see what I am wasting money on and where I can save.

 Okay That is enough for now.


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