Yesterday at my job we offered a class on finances and budgeting. Technically it was for the clients we serve but since some of us have to sit in on it your's truly felt the need to help out haha! I learned a lot. Sadly, I never really learned how to budget when I was younger. I think my parent's believed I had a lot of common sense so I would be fine. I remember one time in college my I came home for the weekend and my mom informed me I had $0.63 in my bank account. I actually got excited, looked at her and said, "Really, I have that much? I thought I only had 9 cents!" That alone should have been my major red flag. It unfortunately was not my red flag. So here I am now, years later, feeling the pressure of all my poor spending choices and all the clothes I can't wear, are messed up, or I just don't like anymore. All the food I bought but didn't eat, all the going out to eat I couldn't afford but went anyway, so much overspending without thought. The truth is I have a hard time waiting for things. I am better but not great. I read fashion blogs and all the cute things they wear and I sit and think I want that now! It's completely illogical and if I was working with a client like me I would get on to them for poor choices and not problem solving properly. I feel like a broken record, constantly saying what needs to change and seeing what needs to change, but doing nothing. Each time I try to save money something happens, like having to buy brand new tires.
I know one of my main goals is to budget and save so I am making myself get back on it. I am doing the health goal like planned and working on it. It is time to work on my mental health and financial health. Here is to a new year!
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