Sunday, August 10, 2014

Style revisit

So I said in an earlier post, back in the spring, that I was going to do the Dean St Society Cleaning Out Your Closet Challenge. I did do it but now that I have a new job that requires different work wardrobe and the fact that I am nearing 30, that one stings a bit, I think I need to either redo the challenge or just do an inventory of my closet in general. Thoughts?? I may reorganize my closet to color code it and categorize it back into types of clothes. Then go from there.

Some things I am already reconsidering-
1. High low dresses: I have a lot of them but I can't decide if I think they are wardrobe stables for me anymore. I may keep a few just to have for going out days

2. T-shirts with logos: By logos I mean AE, Abercomie, etc. I feel like a teenager in them and truthfully how often will I really be wearing them? I already look very young for my age and adding teen clothes is not going to help.

3. Shoes: This is a sad area but I have to be truly realistic, I have a lot of shoes some that I have never worn or rarely worn and some that I just don't even know why I bought in the first place.

Over the week I will probably be working on this area plus learning how to put together work appropriate outfits with some sort of style!


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