Wednesday, December 31, 2014


I know tomorrow many of us will "start" our new goals, resolutions, etc and often we don't finish them. I have decided that instead of a year for the resolution I am condensing it to month goals. For starters, I will not shop for clothes the month of January. For January, February, and March I will do the TLS Slim rapid weight lose program. I will also for those months be studying and studying to take my exam to be licensed as a Social Worker for the state. I am still working on my budget and working out with my friend at the gym. I hope that this blog continues to encourage and motivate me and hopefully, you as well! Here's to the new year, may it be better then 2014!

My budget envelopes for January! 


Monday, December 29, 2014

December Budget

I realized I never did a November budget entry but I also have no clue what I bought (yes slap my on my hand for that). So here is what happened in December.

Cato's simple blue and white shirt 8 dollars

Loft embellished collar button up 
It's super on sale but I think I paid about 20

Red infinity scarf, Zulily 10

Target Sweater dress, super on sale! 15 

Cato's blazer 14

Rampage shoes from Ross 16

Target sweater, 15 (also got a purple one same price)

dress from Ross 14

Not pictured - Loft faux leather skirt 22.50, rose gold earrings and ring, Zulily 20

Total - 174.50 

Budget - 150   

So I didn't exactly stay in my budget but I did do better, sadly, than I thought. That's my December link up
Here's to next month! 


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Four Christmases

You read the title right, I had four Christmases. I never fully understood what dating a guy with divorced parents meant but I completely know now. Granted, I get gifts from both his parents, but I am EXHAUSTED!!! To top it off I just got home from the last Christmas with my family. I am not going to tell you what or how much I ate. I will tell you that yesterday and today all I could think of was that I need water and really craving green things to eat. I started to Google other blogs that focus on health and fitness and pinning like crazy healthy recipes. This year I have a few goals I want to accomplish in health but I am still working towards the ones I previously made. I have a 5k in March for the local Boys and Girls Club as well as a friend running in one so we will be training together in the mornings. Working out in the mornings, while not my ideal option, means that when I get off work I am officially off. I can go home and cook or clean or just relax.

Clean eating is something I have started to really focus on. I feel so much better when I eat clean, basic foods, and I crave them. I did subscribe to Clean Eating magazine and have followed some of their two week plans. I love having my meals planned out for me it saves so much time and helps me at the grocery. I also love trying new things, such as pomegranate apple muffins (with oat flour!)  My refrigerator is full of clean foods and tomorrow will be my prep day to get ready for the week! I am over feeling sluggish and bloated from my foods.


Friday, December 26, 2014

Things Leaving

To help me keep up with my closet I am going to start documenting what leaves and what comes in the closet. This will help me realize how much money I have spent and how long I keep clothes. I really do need to work on minimizing my closet and having stables not just tons of items that get worn four times a year tops. Also, I think it is important to see how my style changes and what is missing in my wardrobe, if anything. I often buy things with the store's credit card and then tell myself that I still have money for clothes for the month because I forget to take it out of my budget.

Here is what is leaving-

Target skirt, two years old, it's too small and super scratchy 

JC Penny Sweater, five years old, the sleeves are now too short

Dress from Ross. True story this dress never fit correctly but for some reason I kept it. I think I wore this dress twice. 

Old Navy shirt, four years old. I love this shirt!!! I found a hole in it in an area not easily fixed so it has to go.

Vest from Marshalls two years old. This vest is too big and true story, not worth the money to get it fixed.

Faux leather skirt, Target. I wanted a skirt like this so badly two years ago so when I found it at Target I grabbed it. Since then I realized that this skirt does not fit and has pleats. Pleats and I are not friends! 

Target olive skirt, five years old. This skirt looks old and has a tear in it. Had to go!

There's that! I will do what was brought in the house later!


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How do you...

How do you handle eating clean and working/working out/life? I feel that daily I ask myself this. Some days I do it all well and other days I am a hot mess! Now I started thinking, what is the difference in the days? Planning. The days or weeks I plan meals, water, working out, I get it accomplished. When I wake up with a planned day I follow it, when I don't plan I spend too much money on lunch and have no snacks. I barely survive the day and when I get home I just fall over. That said I have decided to make Sunday and Wednesday "plan days." I will prepare meals, snacks, and workout plans for the next three days. I feel having two plan days a week helps break it down for me and will be able to really stay focused on my goals.

Today is Wednesday meaning I better start on the right foot! I have supper tonight planned for now. I am going to make some clean eating salads for lunch on Thursday and Friday.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

the envelop system

I started to think again about budgeting the other day. Just so happened at work my co worker mentioned Dave Ramsey and his envelop system. I just Googled and found this blog with these great printable envelopes. I think it makes more sense and when I spend I have to write on the envelope where I bought something and how much. So tomorrow, because I don't have a printer so I have to be a bum at my parent's, I will print some off and start using them!

On a health note, I am fairly certain I have an intolerance to wheat. Not a major one but I have noticed it. Last week work was insane and I went with a friend to get pizza. We got it on a wheat crust (see halfway tried to stay healthy while I had a treat meal) and my stomach started to hurt about an hour or so later. I didn't think much about it until the next morning when I ate my leftovers and the same thing happened. Today I made sure to not have any wheat and my stomach has been fine! I just have to remember this so I don't eat it later. Old habits are hard to break!


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Week 2 new plan

Last week was the Detox week of TLS Slim. This week started me on the Rapid Weight Lose plan. It's similar to the diabetic diet, I think that is what it is called, but you can take some of TLS supplements. I haven't bought any supplements so I currently have no views on that. I have noticed that when following the plan I don't get hunger pains like I used too. I do have to watch and make sure I snack appropriately or by the end of the day I am exhausted but not hungry feeling.

The biggest challenge so far has been making sure to get snacks and drinking water!!! I am so bad about how much water I drink. I hate having to go to the bathroom all the time and when I drink water like I am supposed too I end up having to see the lady's room often (this is your TMI for the day).

Next week I will start on the educational videos they provide on their website and I'll give out feedback!


Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Yesterday at my job we offered a class on finances and budgeting. Technically it was for the clients we serve but since some of us have to sit in on it your's truly felt the need to help out haha! I learned a lot. Sadly, I never really learned how to budget when I was younger. I think my parent's believed I had a lot of common sense so I would be fine. I remember one time in college my I came home for the weekend and my mom informed me I had $0.63 in my bank account. I actually got excited, looked at her and said, "Really, I have that much? I thought I only had 9 cents!" That alone should have been my major red flag. It unfortunately was not my red flag. So here I am now, years later, feeling the pressure of all my poor spending choices and all the clothes I can't wear, are messed up, or I just don't like anymore. All the food I bought but didn't eat, all the going out to eat I couldn't afford but went anyway, so much overspending without thought. The truth is I have a hard time waiting for things. I am better but not great. I read fashion blogs and all the cute things they wear and I sit and think I want that now! It's completely illogical and if I was working with a client like me I would get on to them for poor choices and not problem solving properly. I feel like a broken record, constantly saying what needs to change and seeing what needs to change, but doing nothing. Each time I try to save money something happens, like having to buy brand new tires.

I know one of my main goals is to budget and save so I am making myself get back on it. I am doing the health goal like planned and working on it. It is time to work on my mental health and financial health. Here is to a new year!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Detox Week

I started the Detox with TLS Slim this week. I just need to say that Detox is HARD. NO Caffeine?????? Okay those are my main thoughts about detox! So far things are going okay. I have had a small portion of protein each day because without it I fell faint. Having to eat only vegetables and fruit is not bad since I love just about all vegetables and fruit but the no protein has been hard. After this week I will be following the Rapid Weight Lose plan with TLS and using some supplements of theirs.

On a mental health note, spending time with my family this past week for Thanksgiving was great. I enjoyed being with them and also just getting a break from work. I am trying to focus on positives but truth be told, work is beyond stressful.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Next step

It feels like forever since I left a post. I have really been thinking about work, life, and major decisions. I also have realized I need a kick start and motivation in life. I have been saying that for a while but I feel now I may for real do it. I did yoga today, first time I have worked out in a week, and I realized that I can't keep complaining about my lack of muscles and toning if I don't actually put effort into getting in shape. Anyway, there is a program called TLS slim. A lady at my church uses it and sells it. She told me all about it today and I am considering it (after Thanksgiving, because let's be real). 

The first week is a detox week then you have different plans to do, rapid weight lose or sure and steady. I am going to start with the rapid and go from there. My main challenge is not letting work get in my way of being healthy. 


Saturday, October 25, 2014

What had happened was...

I went on a work trip. They gave us the really good candy, real Hershey's, and then cookies. Yummy cookies. Oh, and a Dr. Pepper was drank, because when you are already bad you do the next dumb thing and stay bad. Needless to say once again my stomach hurt. The good thing about me not eating right is I always end up with a belly ache reminder of why I don't eat/drink certain things. (The training itself was AMAZING!)

On to positive news....

I also went and bought Whey protein mix at the Vitamin Shoppe. I had another protein powder that was certified organic. It had a weird smell and texture. Truth be told it made me gag each time I used it. I decided to try something different and see if I will like it. I do think getting your protein from actual food is best but I have a hard timing doing that each day. This way I know I am getting more and I feel comfortable with the brand. I have used it twice already and it really is tasty! I think I am drinking chocolate milk! I hope this will help me stay fuller longer each day and get my daily protein amount.

BodyTech Whey Protein Chocolate, 5.0 Pound , Powder

Now on to my Saturday Morning Yoga class!


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

21 Day re cap

I "completed" the 21 day challenge with my friend officially on Monday. I'm not going to lie I had some cheat treats along the way, but I did lose some weight. It also helped me regroup and realize how important what you eat is. I felt better and stayed fuller each day. I am of course still following my health goals but this challenge did help me get going.
I did register for the Clean Eating Magazine and you should have seen me at Kroger yesterday, everything in my cart was HEALTHY!!!!

Right now I am on a work retreat and probably will be slightly bad. I did pack my protein powder and I am working on my meal menus for next week. I start working from home then and I know I will have more time to actually cook at home. I am so excited to get back on track! My college is having the homecoming in three weeks and I am on it to look good before I go up there!


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Self Care

In Social Work we have a term called self care. It means, obviously, take care of yourself. It's very important to actually follow this, take care of yourself first then you can take care of others. Each day self care may change. One day it could mean taking an hour of relaxation the next day going for a run. For me self care is a challenge. Some days I really am on top of everything, working out, eating right, getting enough sleep, and finding time for me. Then other days I feel exhausted all day, I don't drink enough water, and I barely make it. I used to go shopping as a form of self care. Now, that form of self care has caused me other issues!  I have been thinking lately that I really need to focus on self care, what it means to me daily and if I even do it daily.


Friday, October 17, 2014

Taco Bell

I did wrong. Last night I got out of yoga at 7:40 and instead of going and getting some healthy meal or vegetables from the grocery I decided to get Taco Bell. I blamed it on not wanting to wear my yoga clothes in public but the truth is I probably would have been fine running in the grocery. I realize that everybody says don't beat yourself up if you eat bad, well the food beat me up. My stomach hurt so much from that food my boyfriend was concerned. Between not having fast food for almost two weeks and then eating one of the worst for you, even though I did get fresco style, I have come to the conclusion that I absolutely have to stop eating cheap foods. My stomach and brain can't handle eating it and I felt so gross afterwards.

I love to eat but what I eat matters so much. I have this one body that's it, so why would I fill it with garbage? I also find it ironic that I did yoga then went and ate fast food ha! I am thinking of subscribing to this magazine, Clean Eating, to help me get creative in my cooking. Often I feel I make the same few things to eat and that is why I get bored and decide to go out to eat. Today I am going on a weekend trip with my mom, grandma, aunt, and cousins. I need to prepare some snacks so I won't be tempted to eat fries on the way or any other bad for you options. I have all the kitchen gadgets I need to cook healthy clean meals I just have to do it!


Monday, October 13, 2014

Hippie S*#%

In my quest for healthier living I have been trying to eat whole foods, as in none processed. I also have been buying as much organic as I can. Living in a small town means smaller choices for organic, at my grocery store it is half of a produce aisle and that is it. Buying better foods also means people around me have to eat it too. My boyfriend keeps telling me I am feeding him hippie s#*$ but then he keeps eating it! I used organic coconut oil one day but didn't tell him until after he ate, I'm so sneaky! Each time he calls it that I would get irritated but then last night I told him each time he says it I replace it in my mind with "healthier food." He said he says it because it bothers me but he only means it as a joke. So now I have decided I will keep giving him these awesome healthier foods and he will think me for it later!
My pumpkin oatmeal "pancakes" so yummy!

Fruit infused water! 

Steamed vegetables

I love this stuff! So easy, versatile, and filling! 

So there are some of my healthier hippie s*&% food options!


Sunday, October 12, 2014


I posted way back about doing the Dean St. Society challenge to use my closet and to see what I do wear, what I don't wear. I think it was a helpful challenge for me to actually pay attention to my closet, but at the same time my job then and my job now are completely different. I also do better having my closet color and type organized so I can really see my clothes. Plus, I have a small closet so organization is key.
My new job requires more professional dress and I have had to really think about my outfits each day. The one problem is that since my previous job did not require dress clothes most that I have I um no longer fit in. I did just try on a pair of pants that didn't fit and now, after doing my No Junk Food Challenge and following my other goals, they do!

This is the NO Junk Food Challenge for 21 Days-
no cakes, pies, donuts, muffins
no biscuits or cookies
no white bread
no candy
no pastries
no Chocolate *
no ice cream
no chips
no sodas
no fast food*

Tomorrow is the last week of the official challenge but I am thinking of continuing on with it. I have lost weight already and I just feel better!

* I have had some dark chocolate and I have had to eat some fast food due to my job but it was "healthy" options and only twice so far.


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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Challenge Accepted!

How many diet plans have you tried? Well I have attempted at least five.
South Beach, Paleo, and Belly Fat Cure

To be honest with myself and others, I have the hardest time following anything with phases, taking out diary, and telling me I can't have certain fruits/vegetables. I understand that some fruits are extremely high in natural sugars but still if I want some pineapple on occasion it's going to happen! I am a cheater in health and it has come back to bite me in the butt. Worst part is I know what to eat what not to eat and I let others around me influence what I eat. Instead of focusing on me and what I need I watch what they eat and eat like them. "Oh they want to eat french fries? Yes, so do I!" Then I am the one all unhappy with myself about it and they don't care one way or the other about it.

Maybe what I am doing isn't anything new but it's going to be new for me.

21 day challenge (for myself!)

1. No white breads AT ALL
2. No sweet tea
3. Pack my lunch every day for work
4. No sweets- cake, cookies, pies, cinnamon rolls, donuts
5. No fast food
6. No chips
7. Nothing fried
8. No alcohol
9. Drink at least 80 oz of water a day
10. Work out 30 minutes at least 5 days a week

Here's to me! 


The Truth- Monthly Recap of Goals

If I am going to post my monthly fashion budget I should also be honest about my weight goals achievement each month.

1. Clean eating with one cheat meal a week.

So did not happen except maybe the first week of the month. I know that excuses are just that, excuses, but my new job has really gotten to me. I have to work on balancing work and my own life. I did follow Blogilates for that week. I am going to do a clean eating challenge with a friend of mine soon because we both have been discussing our lack of motivation in being healthy.

2. Train for the 5K in October.

 I haven't signed up for one in October, I didn't find the Relay for Life that I thought was in October so this fitness goal will need to change.

3. I will budget better and allow myself a little shopping.

I have been following my budget for this month fairly well. I had to buy new tires so I will have to start saving up again.

I think I will change goal #2 to working out five days a week for at least 30 minutes. It can be any type, yoga, cardio, pilates, etc.

Here's to the next month!


Saturday, September 27, 2014

September Budget

Time for my Bloggers who Budget! Here is what I bought in September-

Light Weight Cardigan
Got this in a cream color but I can't find it on the website so black is close! 

Floral Print Chiffon jacket
I have been wanting this for two months! I was so happy when I finally found it!
The day of the 5K I went to a local Boutique and got two items, one an open cardigan with a sheer back and a pair of Kelly Green skinnies, total was 23.00.

Two tanks, similar to this, capris and pants from Dirt Cheap but Zumba brand total $45.00

SO break down-


Budget- 150.00
Spent- 152.00

I did better then I thought! I may end up adjusting my total budget for the month but this is good for now.


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Gym Bag

I have been taking my gym clothes to work lately and then changing at the gym. I've been using a free Victoria Secret bag but it has no pockets, no zipper or closure. I want a bag that has insulated pockets, zip closure, and stylish. I looked on Amazon and then thirty one catalog but nothing stood out to me. Everything was too big or just wrong. Then it dawned on me, Vera Bradley makes lots of things with insulated pockets. Turns out they not only make them they have a spot on the bag for your Yoga mat. Sold! Granted I can't get it until next month in my budget but that is okay since I can't decide what print to get.

Sport Duffel in Ziggy Zinnia and Ink Blue 


Friday, September 19, 2014

New things lately!

This week I decided to start working out, about 30 minutes before work each morning. Usually it was yoga but one morning I did go and run. One day I decided I was too tired to work out in the morning, I would just do Zumba at the gym. Big mistake! The mornings I have worked out I feel better, have more energy at work, and know that when I get off work I can just go home if I want too instead of having to go to the gym.

Another thing that I have been contemplating is clean eating. I know what it is, as most people do, but each time I think I will try it I end up super cheating or cheating without realizing it. I hope when work schedules change I can do it. I believe I will feel better and be a better worker if I start eating cleaner and keep up my morning workouts!

My morning Yoga feet! I keep my yoga mat in my car so I bought these socks to help with grip on the carpet. They are awesome! 

Here is my Goodwill trunk show as I call it. I am posting this to say, I have spent way too much money on items that I barely wore or every time I did the shoes hurt my feet. That's right, I am donating four pairs of shoes. 


Sunday, September 14, 2014

5K results!

I completed the 5k!!!! Granted it took almost an hour but I walked more then planned because my gym friends didn't want to run much. When I woke up last Saturday I thought, "why did I sign up for this??" Then I got to City Hall where the race started and all my friends were there I got hyped up! We had tutus and shirts from our gym, Anytime Fitness, and just excited to be there. Two from our group won first place in their divisions too! We had about eight members from the gym who did the race. All in all it was really fun! I felt like it was a grown up food fight with all the paint.

After the race I and another gym girl/close friend decided we really need to start working out and running or walking more. Sadly, we have to go slow because of work and are shooting for three times a week for 30 minutes at least. To say my new job is taking a lot of my time would be an understatement but I have been enjoying it!

There we go running! This is the beginning, obviously since I am running! 

The END! 


Monday, September 8, 2014

Ways to work out

This past week I started thinking about school and p.e. When I was younger we always had to play sports on teams in p.e. I hated it. I thought that if this is what you have to do to be athletic then forget it I'm out. I couldn't run, walking made my flat feet hurt, and competition sports were awful. In middle school I went to a magnet school that offered dance classes. I fell in love. I ended up taking ballet classes and doing dance at my school. I continued dance into high school for a couple of years. In college I took more dance classes, ballet, jazz, and modern. I also was in the dance recital. I say all this to say that I never pushed myself to work out because in my mind I always felt like it was a competition. Now as an adult I realized that isn't so. Its all about finding what you enjoy, dance, yoga, cardio, strength training, whatever motivates you use it! I may have realized this later then I wish but I am glad I finally found what I love. I go to my gym's yoga, body toning, and zumba classes. I love them all and all my gym friends!

So find what works for you, what helps you de-stress and calm you and use it, daily!


Monday, September 1, 2014

Last impulsive shopping trip

This past week I had training in Nashville, as in right by an outlet mall that has Loft in it! I know, I know, I just posted about budgeting so I do mean it when I say that this is it for multiple reasons. I was able to get some great dresses and tops for work but that can also be worn casually, minus the dresses they are kinda fancy. I also think that I am going to join the Bloggers who Budget starting this month to hold me accountable and help me really focus on what I am blowing my money on. Right now my life is definitely changing, new job, getting back on track with working out, and just growing up in general. Who I was five years ago after undergrad is no longer me. I look around my house and closet and I see that the decor, style is not me. I have even become more aware of clutter and it drives me nuts now.

Okay so now on to the purchases (pics taken from my phone so no judging)
From Loft Outlet, I have been wanting a lace top so I was very happy to find this one in green!

Again, Loft Outlet, who doesn't need a nice brown top

Loft outlet, perfect for when I have to go to court or meetings

Same as above in my opinion!

Comfy skirt from Loft that I can use in multiple ways

I got these earlier in the month to replace a pair I own with a stain on them. These are from Marshall's and so soft. 

Target I am hoping that I can one day tuck this in and look chic!

Also Target. I have been wanting a plaid red and cobalt blue shirt so I had to get this!

Sadly, this isn't all I bought. I also got a pair of Nine West cobalt suede flats, Nine West blue purse,  Jones of New York red shirt, animal print button down from Ross, and a Coach Purse from eBay. Oh, and a Loft Necklace. Sigh, more then I realized. However, that is why I am doing all this budgeting, blogging, and inventory of what I own. I am tired of buying for no reason and having a closet full of items but "nothing to wear." Now on to working out so all these clothes will fit!


Saturday, August 30, 2014

One Week!

In one week I will be doing the color run! My friend bought us all tutus to wear so a group photo is a must! I did not do any running this past week so I am a little nervous about next Saturday. A full week of training is not a good thing in case anybody needs to know that. I did do some Blogilates in the hotel room and  I walked a certain mall ahem Opry Mills twice one day which is 5 miles total. It was a good "break" but I am so ready to really work and learn this job plus getting back on track.

This morning, since I finally got my first paycheck, I set up a make shift budget for September. My goal is to have my lovely credit card paid off and school loan buy spring. Any tips on how to get out of debt any quicker??


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Budgeting, again

I got my first semi paycheck for my new job! It wasn't for a full amount so I have set up a spreadsheet for my budget but I haven't officially started to use it. Lately I have been looking at my closet and trying to see what I need to complete some outfits. I have the hardest time with recreating outfits. I can do it but it is difficult. As I created my budget I really started looking at my, ahem, debt and I want to have at least 1/3 of it paid off by Dec. Another thing is I do really want to lose weight and get toned so that I feel better about myself. I am going shopping next week but I will be very careful with what I buy. I am tired of looking in my closet and seeing items I have barely worn but that I don't want to get rid of. Also, my whole life I have been a messy person, especially with my clothes. I feel like I need to respect what I have spent my hard earned money on a little bit more. That said, here are a few items I did buy for my new job-

I love this! It's thin enough for the summer but I think can be worn all year.

I actually got this shirt in a different color that I don't see online now but it is so comfortable just go get one!

Okay, everybody hope I don't go crazy shopping next week but look for good quality, nice court looking outfits.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

I did it!

You guys, I did it. I just registered for my first 5k! It's not Relay for Life it's one sooner then that, cue horror music now cause I have less time to train, but it is for a local community agency that provides assistance for families in need. I am excited, it's also a color run!!! Two of my buddies from the gym are going to do it with me. Who knows maybe I will even posts pics of me attempting to run it!!

Here is the link for the agency, Area Relief Ministries.

L. (the girl who may have just lost her mind by signing up for this event)

Friday, August 15, 2014

The dress

This dress is what I was wearing when on a work trip in D.C. about three years ago. If you have never been to D.C. you may not know this but you walk, A LOT. By the last day my feet were swollen, I had blisters, but yet for some reason after training I still went out with my co-worker to walk around and sight see. On the way back I was having trouble walking. I was worn out, unfit, and just in pain. As we were walking a guy, just some random person, rides by on his bike and says, "Just keep walking that baby will come right out!" To me, he said that to me. My co-worker went off about it saying she wish he was walking so that she could have told him off. Of course I was hurt and felt like a whale but the worst part was that I couldn't have argued with him. I wasn't pregnant but I saw why he said that. A person should never say that to someone but in his mind he thought, "this poor pregnant woman is in pain from being pregnant I'll say something encouraging to her to help her walk." In fact I was a poor fat woman in pain from her thighs rubbing together and blisters on my feet. His comment hurt way way deeper then he will ever know but it also made me start to take control of me.

That was in the early spring. Later that spring I went to a doctor and we discussed why I was gaining weight only in my middle. I thought maybe I had cortisol hormone issues, it was slightly high but after another check it was fine. He advised me to eat 1200-1400 calories a day. I was so so so grateful for both of my doctors who helped me, my primary care physician and my endocrinologist who advised the calorie counting. (So if you need an endocrinologist in TN Vandy all the way!) I took that and downloaded myfitnesspal app. Then I went and joined a gym. I made myself workout as much as I could and then when that gym closed I went and joined another one. I told myself over and over this is what you need and want. I made myself go to the fitness classes when I could and also use the machines. My first time at the second gym I was nervous like it was my first day of school. These guys were working out and all fit but I just told myself,"They don't know you they aren't looking at you, and we are all here for the same reasons."

 Now two years later I have made friends with my gym members, go to classes often, eat right, and try to really take care of myself. I haven't reached my goal weight or inches yet but it doesn't matter. I have been so blessed for all my new friends and support I have received since starting this journey.

I feel like maybe this is my last step, minus continuing to work out and eat right. This step is getting rid of the dress that every time I see it in my closet or wear I think of that guy on the bike. Since he said that I have worn it once. I wore it after I lost weight and people complimented it and me and how nice I looked but I kept thinking of what he said. I can't hold on to that anymore. So this is my final goodbye to that dress and that unhealthy version of me.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Style revisit

So I said in an earlier post, back in the spring, that I was going to do the Dean St Society Cleaning Out Your Closet Challenge. I did do it but now that I have a new job that requires different work wardrobe and the fact that I am nearing 30, that one stings a bit, I think I need to either redo the challenge or just do an inventory of my closet in general. Thoughts?? I may reorganize my closet to color code it and categorize it back into types of clothes. Then go from there.

Some things I am already reconsidering-
1. High low dresses: I have a lot of them but I can't decide if I think they are wardrobe stables for me anymore. I may keep a few just to have for going out days

2. T-shirts with logos: By logos I mean AE, Abercomie, etc. I feel like a teenager in them and truthfully how often will I really be wearing them? I already look very young for my age and adding teen clothes is not going to help.

3. Shoes: This is a sad area but I have to be truly realistic, I have a lot of shoes some that I have never worn or rarely worn and some that I just don't even know why I bought in the first place.

Over the week I will probably be working on this area plus learning how to put together work appropriate outfits with some sort of style!


Saturday, August 9, 2014


I am back down half an inch! This week has been crazy stressful since I finally started a new job. I have been packing my lunch and staying with healthy options. I have been slacking some on my workouts but now that I am getting my job semi organized mentally I think I will get back on track soon. My gym has morning classes three times a week, even though that means waking up earlier I also know that I can do it and then I don't have to think about it any more for the day. So I plan to continue focusing on packing my lunches and snacks and morning workouts. Another thing, at my new job a lot of the workers are also trying to work out and eat healthy so it's great to know that I will have that extra support from them.

Here is one of my favorite workout videos I did last week with the Blogilates monthly schedule!

Blogilates Ultimate Hot Body Wo


Thursday, July 31, 2014

No shop summer recap

No shop summer on instagram just has one month left! Now I am not going to lie I did do some shopping but it most definitely helped me think before buying. Here is what I got-

white and blue embroidery dress
pink floral top
black pointy shoes
sandals (mine broke on vacation)
white loose blouse
animal print top

I realize now that I spent more then I should, and obviously more then my original plan of no shopping until I reach my goal weight. Here is something I have learned, I have poor self control when it comes to shopping. I think it is time to revamp my plans and make them actually attainable for me.

1. Clean eating, with one cheat meal a week.
    - I found a list on blogilates to follow so I am going to start eating these foods.
    - I need one cheat meal a week because, reality, we all slip up.

2. Train for the 5k in October.
    - I am going to set up a workout plan to help me get ready for this and will post it on here.
    - I need to start working out at least 5 days a week and I need some cardio.

3. I will budget better and allow myself a little shopping. 
    - To start I will seriously budget, not like all the other times I have said I am budgeting but then in reality I go and blow that.
    - I will give myself a small amount of clothing spending money to help me survive haha!

Okay, now my challenge is to stick to this and share it on here. I need the accountability and along the way maybe I will find some tips to help others as well!


Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I went on a girls trip last week to Tybee Island/Savannah, GA! It was a blast and definitely needed. I ate too much I am sure, but how can you say no to fresh seafood??? We did at least walk about a mile or more each day if that counts for anything. Another positive on vacation I found out I got a job!! I'm so excited my stress has gone down, at least until I start the job. Now that I am back it is time to get back on the fitness track! I have to amp up my cardio and watch what I am eating once again.

St. John the Baptist Cathedral 

Johnny Mercer's House

Crab Shack on Tybee! So So yummy!

Breakfast on the beach!

Crab cakes in City Market! These were AMAZING

Savannah City Hall

SCAD has the best buildings, makes me want to return to college!
