Saturday, April 26, 2014


Budgeting sucks. Here's why, I have realized how much money I have wasted and how little amount I actually have. To say this social worker is broke would be an understatement. I feel the need to start my own garden so I can save money. However, to start a garden I have to also go buy the seeds. NO winning.

On Monday I am starting South Beach Diet. I haven't decided if I am going to start on phase one or two. I am however about to go clean my kitchen cabinet of fig newtons, pita chips, pretzels, and other yummy but bad for me foods. This is all worth it, right? Right. I'll answer myself seeing as how nobody else reads this. That's okay. If  I reach my goals it will all be worth it anyway. I am tired of seeing things in my house and going, oh yeah I forgot about you! For instance, I have four things of body wash. No idea I had that many. I feel like a hoarder except I am really just forgetful.

May is around the corner and I am for real setting up a budget that I will follow, blog about, and not tell lies to myself about buying things.

To a new me!


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