Monday, February 16, 2015

Comfort zones

I'm pretty certain I mentioned before that I am a social worker. In the social work field there are a lot of areas to go into. I didn't realize that when I first started on this journey called getting a degree. I was very fortunate to have my first "big girl" job be one that I loved! I mean loved. I worked there for almost five years. Unfortunately, the job was state funded by a grant and had a major cut. We were going to lose a whole position. For many reasons and with lots of praying I decided to volunteer to be the person laid off. It was a very difficult decision and slightly scary but I did feel content with the decision. I had another job within a month. It was similar to my first job but not as much as I originally thought. It made me grow in ways I did not see coming, I had to be assertive to adults who looked at me and thought I was a child. True story, three different high schools asked me what class I was in or why I wasn't on my way to class! I had to be assertive with children in ways that I never thought I would or could do. By nature I am not a leader or a very assertive person. It was a lot of stress and a lot of extra work in general. I loved the population group I worked with but other then that everything else was wrong for me.

The biggest positive from the second job is it allowed me to really see that I want a job like my first one, not because it is my comfort zone, but because it is what I love. Sometimes being called out of your comfort zone doesn't mean forever sometimes I think it is a way to really show you that your comfort zone is only a comfort because it is where you are supposed to be.

In the same way food can be a comfort zone. I have been straying lately in my healthy eating but each time I eat something  I shouldn't I don't beat myself up but I do crave healthy foods. It is evident that as I continue this journey my body is showing and telling me what it really needs. I just need to listen more and be more cautious. These healthy foods are now my comfort zone instead of sweet tea, donuts, and chips.


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